Tablet Weaving and Ply-Splitting Books, Tools & Kits
Tablet Weaving Gallery
Double-faced tablet-woven pangrams by Linda Hendrickson
Tablet weaving is an excellent technique for weaving letters. These original pangrams show the letter shapes in my book Please Weave a Message: Instructions and Graphs for Tablet-Woven Calligraphy. Click on any of the six bands below for details and larger views of the woven letters.

Other double-faced tablet-woven inscription bands by Linda Hendrickson
Double-faced tablet-woven band by Linda Hendrickson with traditional Persian designs
I found the graphs for these designs in Otfried Staudigel's book Tablet Weaving Magic. This book is a wonderful source of traditional Persian designs. These were found on bands known as "band-e-gondaq", translated as "diaper bands". In his book, Otfried states "...they were meant to hold the clothes of infants." Until the beginning of the 20th century "such bands were given on the occasion of a birth. Apart from the pictorial symbols, they contained wishes for the protection of the infant and mother. Text and pictures were separately framed by checkered arcades."
Tablet Weaving Magic includes information about each band, including where it currently resides.
Perle cotton, using 36 tablets in the double-faced design area and 12 tablets on each side for the warp-twined borders. 2-3/4" x 43" plus 6" fringe on each end, 2001.
Double-faced tablet-woven bands by Linda Hendrickson with traditional designs from Sulawesi, Indonesia
Double-faced tablet-woven band by Linda Hendrickson with designs inspired by African textiles
Double-faced tablet-woven bookmarks by Linda Hendrickson
Three bookmarks featuring designs from my book Double-Faced Tablet Weaving: 50 Designs from Around the World.
10/2 perle cotton, with 48 tablets in the design area.
"The Triumph of Art", by Linda Hendrickson and Randy Rasmussen
Tablet-woven wire rain chain by Linda Hendrickson with hammered basin by Rebecca Melton
Tablet-woven jewelry by Linda Hendrickson
Tablet-woven reproduction by Linda Hendrickson of a 2-strand warp-twined band from Sumatra, Indonesia

Tablet weaving experiments by Linda Hendrickson
Tablet weaving experiments including using a reed to create soft fabrics, weave structures including gauze weave and basket weave, copper wire for both warp and weft, warp-twined double-cloth, and more.
Double-faced Alphabelts and Inscription Belts by Peter Collingwood

Remembering Peter Collingwood (1922-2008)
Tablet-Woven belt with Tibetan Designs by Tsering Yangzom
Tablet-woven sazigyo from Burma (Myanmar)

Tablet-woven Bakhtiyari band from Iran, woven in 3/1 broken twill
This well-used tablet-woven band was sent to me from Tehran, Iran in May 2002.
19th century tablet-woven Bakhtiyari tent band and horse head-dress (collection of Fred Mushkat)
Tablet-woven bands and a horse cinch collected on a trip to Turkey, 2003
Tablet-woven brocaded dagger belt from Yemen (collection of Marta Colburn)
Tablet-woven bag purchased at a United Nations fair in Portland, Oregon
Tablet-woven bag in warp twining and the double-faced weave, possibly woven by Tibetan refugees in Nepal.
Tablet Weaving Adventure to England and Holland, 1998

This page updated on May 28, 2013.