Tablet Weaving and Ply-Splitting Books, Tools & Kits
Perle Cotton Kit -- Fire & Ice Colors
Kit with 8 balls of 5/2 perle cotton..... $ 16.00 including shipping

Each color is also available separately, $2.00 per ball. Colors in the order shown above:
Navy, Yale Blue, Deep Turquoise, Light Turquoise, Light Orange, Tangerine, Burnt Orange, Wine. These are the colors that I have used to make the cords for my Fire & Ice Ply-Split Bangle Bracelet.
The colors are inspired by climate scientist Ed Hawkins' Warming Stripes (see below). My hope is that you will use the Fire & Ice colors to create something to encourage conversation about climate change.

Warming Stripes by Ed Hawkins. The stripes here show global temperature change, 1850-2021.
Learn more about Warming Stripes.
Tablet Weaving Gallery
Ply-Splitting Gallery
This page created on April 8, 2023.