Linda Hendrickson
Tablet Weaving and Ply-Splitting Books, Tools & Kits

Work shown at Expanding the Girths, an exhibition of traditional and contemporary ply-split braiding, West Ox Arts Gallery, Bampton, England, September 28 - October 21, 2001

Left to right: Polyhedron by James Pochert, USA; Lotus Basket by Linda Hendrickson, SCOT Pot by Peter Collingwood, England. All work copyright by the individual artists.

"I am a full-time physician and part-time weaver and have especially enjoyed off-loom work. I took Peter Collingwood's seminar on ply-split braiding at the Atlanta Convergence 1998 and fell in love with the technique. I like the solidness of the structure in 3-D pieces."
-- James Pochert

Ply-Splitting Gallery

This page updated on June 24, 2013.