Linda Hendrickson
Tablet Weaving and Ply-Splitting Books, Tools & Kits

Recipe for Curried Butternut Squash Soup

Adapted from a recipe by Lynn Adams.

3 large cloves garlic, minced
1 large onion, chopped
3 cups butternut squash, peeled and cut into cubes
1 medium yam, chopped
1 large tart green apple, chopped
2 tsp. curry powder
1/2 tsp. garam masala
4 cups water
2 T Veggie Broth Mix
2 T green pumpkin seeds
2 T sunflower seeds

Mince garlic first and let it sit for 15 minutes to improve health benefits.

Prepare onion, squash, yams, and apples.

Healthy saute onion with a little water in soup pot until onions are slightly caramelized. Add a little more water as necessary to deglaze the pot.

Add garlic, curry powder, and garam masala. Mix well and cook for another minute or so. Add squash, apple, yams, water, and Veggie Broth Mix. Bring to boil, turn heat down to simmer.

Use soup ladle to remove about 1 cup of broth and put aside to use in Vitamix later.

Simmer soup for 15 minutes or until squash is soft. Turn off heat. Put seeds in Vitamix. Puree soup in batches, returning each pureed batch to the pot.

Put the reserved soup broth (in the bowl that was set aside) in the Vitamix, run on high for about 15 seconds, and pour into soup pot.


Any butternut squash or yams not used in the soup can be cubed or sliced and steamed to use in veggie bowls.

You can add some navy or cannellini beans when processing soup in Vita-Mix to increase protein. This will also make the soup thicker.


This page created on January 6, 2021.