Tablet Weaving and Ply-Splitting Books, Tools & Kits
Ply-Split Square for the Violet Protest
'Indian Magic' by Linda Hendrickson (2021)

I made cords from 5/2 perle cotton, 4 strands/ply, 15% shrinkage during IOT. This is a ply-split version of a threaded-in tablet weaving design by Russell Groff. I used the threading diagram as a guide for making my cords. Then I strung the cords on a knitting needle in the correct order. For the crosswise cords, I used leftover cords, arranged in the same design order so the fringe would be similar on all four sides. When the crosswise cords are pulled through the lengthwise cords, the design appears automatically.
Ply-Splitting Gallery
Kits for Ply-Split Braids and Ornaments
Kits for Ply-Split Baskets
This page created on July 30, 2021.