Tablet Weaving and Ply-Splitting Books, Tools & Kits
Ply-Split Scarf 4-Strand Braid by Linda Hendrickson (2008)

I had this idea in Fall 2008 -- create the appearance of a traditional four-strand braid with ply-split braiding.
In a traditional braid, the elements go over and under, but in this scarf, which is a ply-split braid, the cords go through other cords. Each "strand" of this braid consists of five cords, three white and two gray. The structure is SCOT (single course oblique twining) with extra twist between the splittings at the edges.
I made the cords for this scarf with a wool/silk blend yarn (gray) and alpaca yarn (white). The initial overtwist is low so the cords are soft.
You can order the 4-Strand Braid Kit with detailed step-by-step instructions and photos to learn how to make this shape.
Ply-Splitting Gallery
Kits for Ply-Split Braids and Ornaments
Kits for Ply-Split Baskets
This page created on March 14, 2012, and updated on June 21, 2013.