Linda Hendrickson
Tablet Weaving and Ply-Splitting Books, Tools & Kits

Ply-Split Hat by Linda Hendrickson (2001)

This ply-split hat is a variation on a basket with the same zigzag design, inspired by the work of Errol Pires. I made wool cords with about 10% shrinkage during IOT. It is worked in variations of SCOT.

Note the rows that look like piping -- one wavy row between the top and sides (a neat way to make the transition), and three rows at the edge of the brim. This is a rim technique used in basketry, and no splitting is involved. Each cord goes over two to the left, and then down out of the way.

About 3-1/2" high, 10" wide. Wool, March 2001.

Kits for Ply-Split Braids and Ornaments
Kits for Ply-Split Baskets

This page created in 2005 and updated on June 21, 2013.