Linda Hendrickson
Tablet Weaving and Ply-Splitting Books, Tools & Kits

Anemone Ply-Split Basket by Linda Hendrickson

Anemome This ply-split basket is made from 2,350 yards of 12 lb. test fishing line. It was fairly easy to make the cords. I discovered right away from making a sample that it's best to keep the initial overtwist low with this material, so these cords have only 5% shrinkage during IOT. I like the green color and the translucent quality of the cords.

I finished the ends by holding each one over a candle until the individual strands started to curl and melt. Approximately 7-1/2" high; basket base 4" square and overall width about 12". January 2001.

"Anemone" was shown in the exhibition "Down to the Sea Again: A Fibre Challenge" at Convergence 2002 in Vancouver, BC. The theme was "Textile Tides".

The two photos below look down into the basket, which has been placed on a light box. In the photo on the left, the light is on, while in the photo on the right, the light is off.

Anemome Anemome

Kits for Ply-Split Braids and Ornaments
Kits for Ply-Split Baskets

This page created in 2002 and updated on June 21, 2013.