Linda Hendrickson
Tablet Weaving and Ply-Split Braiding
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Double-Faced Tablet-Woven Mug Rugs

[double-faced mug rugs] You can weave beautiful mug rugs with tablets. It was an interesting challenge for me to come up with the way to combine the double-faced weave, which has 3-span warp floats, with alternating thick and thin wefts. Come and learn the surprisingly simple solution! The mug rug warp will use approximately 75 tablets, and the finished mug rugs will be around 4" - 5" square. You don't need a loom, just a board and tensioning blocks. You don't have the typical limitations of block weaves on a loom, and can weave dramatically different designs since every tablet is individually-controlled. Students must know how to make a continuous warp and have some experience with warp-twined patterns and the double-faced weave. [double-faced mug rugs]
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Linda Hendrickson  * (503) 239-5016  *
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